- User manual
- » Researcher
- » My profile
- » Publications
Before adding your publications on this page, read the text of the call carefully concerning the details on publications. You can add all publications on this page to your application.
Adding publications manually

Exampel on how to add a publication
Once you have selected if the publication is peer-reviewed or not, you can select the kind of publication you want to add. The forms will adjust accordingly to the selected publication concering contents and design.
- Click on Publications (A), on the tab MY PROFILE.
- Click on Add (B).
- Select Publication type (C) and Academic publication (D).
- Click on Add (E) to enter first and last name of one or more authors.
- Enter the mandatory information.
- Click on Save (F).
Editing a publication

Reopening the form of the selected publication
To reopen the form of a publication:
- Click on Publications (A), on the tab MY PROFILE.
- Click on Edit (B).
- Follow the steps 3 - 6 in Adding publications manually.
Deleting a publication

A publication is deleted from the list of publications
- Click on Publications (A), on the tab MY PROFILE.
- Click on the arrow close to the button Edit and select "Delete (B) in the dropdown list.
- Click on OK (C).