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- » Reviewer competence (KI)
Reviewer competence (KI)

The Reviewer pool is a function developed for Karolinska Institutet (KI) and is only available to them. You may hence not be added to the reviewer pool for any of the other funders using Prisma.
You can be added to the Reviewer pool at Karolinska Institutet in different ways. Either through registering you interest via a KID application, or being invited directly by Karolinska Institutet.
Once you have been added you will see the heading Reviewer competence in the left hand menue under My Profile.
You can remove yourself from the reviewer pool by ticking the box and click on Leave reviewer pool.

Here you may enter your competence to enable the funder to distribute appropriate applications to you. You register your competence and expertise by selecting between various choice in the drop-down menues for three different functions: research area, methodology and key word. Mandatory information is marked with an asterisk (*). You will not be able to save unless all mandatory information is selected. Once you have done your choices, click on Save.

Once you have registered your competence and expertise, your information will become visible to the administrating staff with the funder (for now only Karolinska Institutet). The funder can then match applications to your information for potential review assignments.