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Apply for a grant

Create a Prisma account. Add relevant cv and publications on MY PROFILE. Create a draft of the application. Invite participating researchers. Register the application. Follow the process of your application in the event log.

Simplified course of action on how to proceed and what happens when applying for a grant in Prisma

When you log in to your account in Prisma, you have access to all available calls for proposals.

A draft is automatically saved as soon as you create an application. You can edit your application draft until the call for proposals closes.

You can unregister an application to make adjustments until the application is finally registered. The application is finally registered when the call of proposal closes.

Some calls for proposals allow you to invite participant researchers. The participant researchers must have an account in Prisma and add their CVs and sometimes their publications to the application. We recommend you to read the instruction for applicants carefully. Also instruct the participant researchers, if there are any, to add their CVs early in the process.


