- User manual
- » Organisation account
- » Users
Add users
The organisation account has several different roles and reponsibilities. The supervisor has the main reponsibility for the account, and has the permission to access all functions. There must always be at least one supervisor, but that person may add upp to two other supervisors. These will have the same permissions, except that they cannot add another supervisor.
The supervisors can add one to three users that are responsible for functions on the account; signing, reporting and applying for grants (where the organisation is the applicant). These three can also invite more users with the same permissions to handle these functions. There can be up to three reponsible for each function.
The supervisors and those responsible for signing and reporting can add new users on the account that can be given specific tasks.

To add new users to the organisation account, navigate to the page Users. In the list you can see the current users on the account, their responsibilities and status. Add a user by clicking the button Invite user.
The window Invite user is opened

Enter the first name, last name and e-mail address of the invited person. Then select a role in the drop down-menu. If the user is not either supervisor or reponsible for a function, select No responsibilityarea in the menu. Then click Send.
The user will receive an invitation to the organisation account through e-mail. The invitation can either be accepted or declined.

The invited user is added to the list Users. The Status-column indicates that the invitation is sent, accepted or declined. When the invitation is accepted and the user has an account, the status is Active.
Change responsibilities

To add or change an area of reponsibility for a user, click the button Change reponsibility.
The window Change reponsibility is displayed

Tick the responsibilities that you wish to give each user, and vice versa. Then click the button Save to update the list of users.
Inactivate/Activate users

To inactivate/activate users, tick the box to the left for one or more users that you wish to inactivate/activate. Then click the button Inactivate or Activate. You will receive a question if you are sure that you want to inactivate/activate the selected users. Click OK. The status will then change in the column Status.
Remove user

To remove a user, select on or more users to remove by ticking the box to the left in the user list, then click the button Remove. You will receive a question if you are sure that you want to remove the user/users. Click OK.

Only users that have not been assigned any reponsibilities can be removed. If the user is reponsible for a function in Prisma, you have to redistribute that responsibility before the user can be removed. Click the button Change responsibility to perform the redistribution.
Reponsibility area summary

Click the button Responsibility area summary to see a summary of which users are associated with which folders. As with every other list, this one may be filtered, sorted and exported to Microsoft Excel.
Change or remove responsibility for a user

Click the button Display to the right in the list of users to see which folders that particular user is associated with.

In this window the supervisor and the users responsible for functions in Prisma can choose to remove or replace the distribution. By ticking the boxes to the left and clicking Remove distribution, the user will be removed from one or more folders in the structure. Selecting a new user in the drop down-menu, and then clicking Replace distribution the current user will be replaced by the selected user.