It is mandatory to have an organisation account for all organisations that wish to administrate projects in Prisma. If you do not have an organisation account, applicants will not be able to select your organisation as an administrating organisation when registering their applications.
Form for applying for an organisation account
Your application will be considered by the funders, a process that may take several weeks. If the application is approved your organisation account will be created and activated. Before the organisation account application has been granted, applicants in Prisma will not be able to select your organisation in their application. If the application is approved you will receive a notice about this through e-mail.
If you do not have a personal account in Prisma yet, you will be prompted to create one using the e-mail address that you used in your application.
If your application is approved, you must add at least one project site to the organisation in order for applicants to be able to select your organisation for their application.
Drottninggatan 89, Box 1206, 111 82 Stockholm. Phone number: 08-775 40 00.
Ringvägen 100, Box 38084, 100 64 Stockholm. Phone number: 08-775 40 70.
Västra Järnvägsgatan 3, Box 1035, 101 38 Stockholm. Phone number: 08-546 44 000.