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JPIAMR reviewer database - information to the reviewer
Consent information for personal data processing
Vetenskapsrådet (the Swedish Research Counsil), vetenskapsradet@vr.se, phone +46 8 546 44 000, is the Controller. The data protection officer will be reached by e-mail registrator@vr.se or telephone +46 8 546 44 000.
Purpose and lawfulness
The purpose of collecting and further processing personal data is to establish and manage a database in order to be used to find relevant and qualified reviewers for JPIAMR calls. The database can also be used for national calls within the area of AMR in the JPIAMR member countries. The processing is based on the reviewers consent.
Transfers of personal data to third countries
The JPIAMR cooperation is including non-EU/EEA countries. Therefore the personal data in the JPIAMR reviewer database can be made available to so called third countries when calls are announced in such JPIAMR countries.
Storage of personal data and data protection
Your personal data will be stored in the database at Vetenskapsrådet as long as JPIAMR exists. Every other year [alt. every three years] you will get a request to review and revise your data as well as your continued participation as a peer-reviewer under JPIAMR.
The personal data will be protected according to the data protection regulation – i.e [behörighetsstyrning och relevanta tekniska skydd].
Rights of the reviewer
You have the right to obtain information about the controller’s processing of your personal data and also the right to rectify or erase incorrect data. Furthermore you have the right to object to processing of your personal data, file complaints to the supervisory authority and at any time withdraw a given consent.
I give my consent to the processing of my personal data according to the information provided by submitting this form below. The consent includes transfer of my personal data to third countries (non-EU/EEA-countries).