Prisma user manual logo

Information about cookies

We use various types of cookies on our website. Here you can read about cookies, and how you as user can determine what information is stored using the cookies.

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small data file that is stored on your computer and contains information about your visit to our website.

How cookies are used

The cookies are used for website statistics. The statistics help us to understand how the website is used, and how we can make it better for our visitors. We also measure visitor flows between the website and other digital services and websites provided by the Swedish Research Council. We analyse the website statistics using the tool Google Analytics.

There are also cookies that store settings you have made yourself on the website.

You can turn cookies off

You can choose to turn off the feature that stores cookies in your browser. If you do this, no cookies will be stored, but you will also not be able to use certain features on the website. You can also delete your browser’s cookie history later.

You can search on the internet for instructions about how to

  • turn cookies off
  • check what cookies are already stored on your computer
  • delete stored cookies in your browser

List of cookies

The table lists information about cookies used on the website.

Cookie name




Web analytics

2 years


Web analytics

1 minute


Web analytics

24 hours


System Features



System Features



Web analytics

2 years


Web analytics

20 hours


Web analytics

2 years

Evaluation of the site

Right now we are using the tool Hotjar to evaluate how the site is used. This means that these cookies can be set during your visit to the site:

Cookie name




Ensures data from subsequent visits to the same site are attributed to the same user ID.

1 year


Ensures data from subsequent visits to the same site are attributed to the same user ID.

1 year


Used by recording filters to identify new user sessions.



Enables Hotjar to know when an attribute has changed and needs to be updated.



Stores User Attributes sent through the Hotjar Identify API, whenever the user is not in the sample.



Stores user viewport details such as size and dimensions.



Ensures subsequent requests in the session window are attributed to the same session.

30 minutes


Causes Hotjar to stop collecting data if a session becomes too large.



Applied in extremely rare situations to prevent severe performance issues.



Set when a session/recording is reconnected to Hotjar servers after a break in connection.



Checks if the Hotjar Tracking Code can use local storage.



Set to determine if a user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's pageview limit.

30 minutes


Set to determine if a user is included in the data sampling defined by your site's daily session limit.

30 minutes


Used to detect the first pageview session of a user.

30 minutes


Enables Hotjar to try to determine the most generic cookie path to use, instead of page hostname.



Set when a Recording starts.



Updated when a user recording starts and when data is sent through the WebSocket (the user performs an action that Hotjar records).

